
Nothing is more fun than shooting bombs in time to music.
Author Comments:
Note: This game is graphics-intensive. To reduce lag, you may wish to CLOSE ALL other browser TABS and WINDOWS, including this one. Sorry about any inconvenience...
Requires Flash Player 9. If you don't already have it.
Welcome to |>!, a rhythm game of great explosiveness. Some notes clarifying the game:
-The ground is drawn in time to the music, using AS3's new computeSpectrum() function.
- You cannot move your crosshair left and right because that would defeat the purpose of being synced to music.
- Remember, you need to HOLD DOWN the spacebar when a long enemy appears!
- I just noticed that Tatsu-Takahashi's track "In Your Face!" is in just about EVERY Rock Out submission on NG. Hopefully you won't mind it being in this one too.
This is the first game I have made using AS3 and Flash CS3. I spent alot of time on it, so please rate fairly. Hope you enjoy it!